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  • Onyx

Herge's adventures of Tin Tin

It's not really, it's the blog about our first competition of the New Year and the second of the season.

This one was about Black and White (or Monochrome if you prefer)

Due to the last two disappointing years, the normal three year rule was relaxed for a four year one and the call went out to the members for their images. Luckily nine members came through, which was good considering the Covid restrictions faced and the specialty of the subject (no-one shoots B&W these days, do they?)

The club has a eclectic mix of peeps and we had Seascapes, Landscapes, Trains (allright, a viaduct) and Boats and Planes, Carts and Bikes and the animal world was well represented too.

Our judge had the doubly difficult job of weeding the chaff out, due to our projector being at war with the computer, randomly adding sharpening and light to some shots whilst leaving others alone (this effect was first noticed last week and hopefully, will be resolved by next week) but in the end he held back ten images, giving pride of place to Rob's Caister Sea Defences. Rob also scooped up second place with his Sticks and Stone.

Chris's Bristol Fighter grabbed third, My Yurt forth and Katherine's abstract, Electricity took fifth

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