Ok, writing this free style so it might be jumbled.
Last night we had our first trophy competition, where we can put in anything as long as it follows the theme. The idea is that you can enter with out the pressures of scoring highly, you'll not feel you've messed up your chances in the yearly competition because the judge didn't like/understand your image. They are one off, fun competitions where you can use those shots that didn't quite meet the standards of the yearly race for the cup.
This competition, named in honour of Jan Reilly, is themed as travel,
because Jan & Kev loved to travel the world.
As our judge, David Portwain, pointed out, the RPS deems travel as anything taken outside of your home.
And talking of David, what a brilliant judge he turned out to be ...
though he does like to ramble.
He even dusted off his ARPS winning set of photos for us to peruse to show that we shouldn't be afraid of our craft. On the down side, he told us of the thousands of images that didn't make it to the final twelve.
After much cajoling, i managed to nag twelve of the members to give me some images. And what a varied bunch they were. Trains and boats and plains, seascapes, landscapes, walking boots and suitcases. There was travel from the past and to the future.
David held back images from Colin, Chris, Rob, Dave, Selva, big Kevin, little Kevin and myself, and there was such a diverse selection. A sepia toned trolly bus, one of Chris's planes, little Kev's horse, big Kev's Generational walk on the beach, Selva's tranquil scenes. Not to take anything away from Katherine's brilliant portrait or Veronica's low running boat equally, a real pot pouri,
so if you thought "I haven't got any thing ..."
Hah, looks like you were wrong.
so who won ... Come on down ... Me
with a sunrise down at Thorpe bay
Selva grabbed second with his Windmill on the broads
and third with his Tollesbury sunrise.
Spookily, Selva was there when I took my shot, & I was there when Selva took his Tollesbury image.