Welcome back peeps. I hope Santa brought you all the things you wanted and you are all sufficiently rested, ready for the second half of the season.
Tonight's meeting was all about the lighter side, a silly inhouse competition, (no prizes typical) where we that was taking part, put up fifteen images. The way it worked (or should have) was a random two images were put up on the screen and a democratic show of hands picked the image to go on to the next round.
A few teething problems (that will be ironed out for the next time we run this) and away we went. Then after about twenty images had been voted on, it all went boobies up and we restarted. 148 images in all, and a varied selection it was too. A lot of seaside shots were there, more often than not with a sunset involved.
Luckily most of the good stuff got voted off before my shots made an appearance. Veronica cuddling a huge geezer in a skimpy swimsuit was seen on numerous occasions as was her deer and my Harry Potter reward poster. David's flipping sheep kept knocking my masterpieces off the park. However my Eyes also sent a few good ones packing so I shouldn't complain. It was nice to hear the groans as the good shots came up against each other making the choices hard and Colin's sculpture finally did for my eyes.
It came down to the final two, Colin's night shot of the Beaulieu Park sculpture and my shot, also at night, of the Tommie's at Mersea. Luckily Chris didn't have to cast a deciding vote, my Tommie's scraped through.
I Thank you all for elevating me to stardom for a few moments. I'll not crow too much.
All back to the grindstone for next weeks Pattern print competition.