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Onyx breaks an Oath

Tonight we had our annual Digital against Digital competition where half the room battles the other half, a bit like British Bulldog, albeit with out the running from one side to the other, and the catching, Oh and the lifting whilst shouting British Bulldog, or the shouting, screaming ...

oh wait, there was plenty of that.

So it was the sinister side (booo, hisssss) against us cherubs on the light side. Chris, newly slipped over to the dark side, who was keeping the baying, howling crowd, barely under control, whilst he put up ridiculous photos or rotting apples and piles of rubbish.

Me in control of the demure, gentle folk from the right side tried and, barely succeeding, put up twee little pictures of piggies and sweet old ladies that had knitted modesty blankets for their bikes.

Luckily, me and the judge, Chas Merry, go way back to the dark days of film and darkroom n stuff. Not that that would have any had any clouding of his judgement. He called it like he saw it, good overcoming evil once again.

Overall a good laugh with our judge taking quite a bit of stick too, and in fairness, he handed it out too. Thank you Chas. I think we’d struggle to find another judge willing to get down and dirty with us. You are an integral part of the evening too.

Good to see young Jan up and about, won’t be long before I can hand back these reins.

May your recovery come on in leaps and bounds.

For those of you who came along, now you have a pretty good idea of the sort of photos we’ll be looking for the next JuneDad (that’s JUNE’s Digital Against Digital) so if you see something unusual, that ain’t gonna win any prizes, consider capturing it for this fest.


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