Ok, I'll start off with the terrible news that PubOffy, the person who started this gentle 'what's happening' section of the site, has been stolen from us. One of the driving forces behind the club, committee member, party animal, bloody good laugh. I miss you mate, and I dare say the rest of t'club will echo my sentiments. Kev, I feel for you.
Now for the rest of the news.
Tonight we had our Radley and Read competition. An annual event, originally designed to get everyone out on the same day with the best photos taking the crown. We have since watered this down to take in all of the month of August, so that everybody (except for Tony) gets a fair crack at producing some fine images. This year David set us up with Lavenham and five target categories to represent the village. 14 of us entered photos in all sections, so there was plenty for our judge, Mr Ron Tear to sort out.
I have to say, he did an admirable job, not only dealing with our warped sense of what makes a good photo, but also with my ham handed attempts to get replaced as projectionist! His comments were helpful, even as far as telling yours truly to check the edges ...
Five categories being Landscape, Street Scene, Interior, Open and A Crooked House. There were plenty of duplicates (so that was in keeping with the original premise) and it's nice to see other peeps view of the same thing. Some gained advantage by better lighting, but that's just the luck of the draw. Of the seventy images shown, our judge picked 17 to carry top marks, and then awarded a first, second and third in each section. we then pushed him for an overall grading for the winners of each category.
So, top image for the evening was adjudged to be Katherine's stunning interior shot of the church, Second was Julia's lovely Floral display. I grabbed third with a Landscape sunrise and Katherine took the last two places with her crooked house and her Open entry of the doggy walking.
Of course we had a mini league running for the trophy and Veronica, who is having a rather stunning year, carried on with her winning ways with a remarkable 48/50
yours truly again played the first loser, followed by Katherine and David K tying for third