Silly o’clock crew ride again.
So me, Jon and Rob was out again for the sunrise (well it was at ten to eight so no biggie) and after much indecision, opted for Tollesbury.
Lovely sunrise, crisp and clear. Alas, the only thing twixt our side of the water and the sun rise was the power station.
Still, plenty to chose from for our upcoming dereliction competitions as we ambled through the manmade harbour and inlets. It’s a maze and you have to plot your path carefully. Dunno if we could do that in the evening/night.
Luckily(?) it was low tide
Which meant plenty of mud (which I still haven’t chipped of the tripod, boots, camera strap, jeans ...) hey, should’ve tried a set of bootprints through the mud ... ah well, perhaps next time.
And boy, windy, having to weight the tripods down.
But overall, nice to get out, air the camera, socialise and chuck ideas at each other, oh and next time, try t’other side of the creek.
If this sounds like your idea of craziness, we have a WhatsApp link that’ll give the latest gossip, where, times etc. I think the next outing might be a evening shoot with light painting, maybe!
Then there was the dyslexic fitness freak boasting that he’d finally got his crabs under control.