Well the evening started off well, then the judge turned up.
Nah, Belay that.
T'was our fourth PDI competition and the subject (after many Macro shoots) was Street Life. We were held to account by Gordon Branham, who stepped in after our scheduled judge cried off. Now Gordon has been with us so many times this year we're thinking of offering him honorary membership!
I like Gordon, He's an entertaining judge and his comments, whilst sometimes hurtful, can make you think about your shots next time, how to improve your composition, get rid of distractions and get the exposure right. All basic stuff but things we tend to overlook when we take that fabulous shot ...
Sadly, only fourteen of us put shots in (looks like I'm gonna have to up the nagging) and our judge didn't see a good cross section of our members, however only 42 photo meant he could explain better what we were missing.
Top of the Hill turned out to be Jan with her sad doggy tale, next came Rob with his Lads in Brick Lane followed by Kev's shot of a wool pack race. all these earned a ten alongside Veronica's shot of a daredevil in the skateboard park.
It may have been only 42 shots but we were still there chatting at quarter past the hour so summat must've been gelling.
Well, that's it, I'm off to bed.