Evening all.
Tonights evening was put together by our latest recruit, Chris.
At short notice, helped us through the trials and tribulations that go hand in hand with putting on a A.V. show. His informal delivery method, taking us from how and why it’s best to r-label your files, how to copy into a single folder, where and when to save, all contributing to hopefully, a pain free journey for the rest of us mortals to try out this medium.
There were tips and advice about music, with a simple demo of how to get it in the program, with the necessary warnings about copyright © and public displays of your work.
After his simplistic talk, (I say simplistic because what he put across made everyone fell that this was a simple process) he went on to show an example of his work done in conjunction with another club member.
This was an interesting evening, and could be a great way of getting family events, holidays et al, in a pleasing archival form.
You could also blackmail your kids by threatening to send a DVD about them, to the grandkids.
Or even just a modern version of one of those “this year we have mostly been ...” missives that get sent around Christmas.
Thanx Chris, the brains gone into overdrive now.