Place of Worship
Hi y’all
Tonight was the first competition we’ve had this March!
It started out as Churches but … well, we expanded it to cover all sorts of religion, ‘cause you never know if we have a closet Scientologist in our midst.
Our judge tonight was Roy (not Ron as I mistakenly called him last time out) Essery from the Colchester Photographic Club. He stepped in at very short notice to cover for Chas.
Roy was here a couple of weeks ago to adjudicate in the Braintree Battle, and, as we won that, we thought we’d have him back again. Sadly, Braintree won this week …
No wait, just teasing.
55 images he had to rattle through and yet again my skills as a projectionist were put to question as the program developed a hiccup that would not go away. As Roy is telling us his likes and no likes about our images, I’m trying to suss what’s afoot. Roy did say that they had a similar problem at Colchester, that they’d been in touch with Andrew, the program's author and he offered a solution. So I limped the program 'til half time, and then re ran the first half putting in the proper scores, and the machine behaved itself for the second half of the night.
Cheers Roy, not just a pretty face, mate!
Ok enough about my problems, the competition.
When you think about it, though, it is a very limited subject …
You’ve got the outside of a church
The inside of a church.
Colin got us underway with a striking image of the Cathedral, all reduced to a seemingly line drawing. Dead weird.
Next we had little Kev’s Mundon church
Followed by Selva’s Mundon church
Great minds thinking alike methinks.
We had images in from a further eleven club members, with subjects from Bangladesh to the recent Northern light show over Essex, from Greyfriar’s to Graveyards. With scores from six (Sorry Kev, if it had been taken at the Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, you might have had a shout with your footy religion shot) to five tens at the end. I’m sitting there all excited because one of my images was one of the six he held back along with Tony, Katherine and Colin.
Overall, Roy was fairly generous with his marks with only thirteen scoring less than eight.
With fifty five images to get through, you’d think it might feel a bit rushed …
But no, with his comments interspersed with anecdotes, we were putting the final few in the right places at around ten.
A good job sir, though not the last of him we’ll see this season, he’s coming back to judge our Peter Turner competition in April.
Any further visits and we’d have to start charging him!
Down to the winners
Recommended was Nick’s Greyfriars
Tony’s Bures, where he loved the sheer skill of holding the exposure across the whole subject.
In third place was Colin’s Greenstead Church
In second was Katherine with her Pantheon @ Stourhead,
narrowly being beaten by … wait for it …
Katherine with her unusual shot of the Sagrada Familia.
Roy loved this photo for its busyness, shapes, colours, he even said that the converging verticals actually enhanced the final image.
so, that was it. Another resounding win for Katherine, but only by half a point.
Congrats lass, long may you reign.
So ...
the winners
