Again, I’ve put this up, deleted it, the computer has gobbled it up, hid it from view, and twice, just laughed at me and said "what file?”
This is from notes taken from the meeting on 3rd November …
first off, let me send out good vibes to our new recruits.
They be Gary, Rob and of course, welcome back to Selva.
Ok, that’s the niceties done, let’s talk about Davids evening.
For David and Betty’s (hang on, should I replace the y with ies and make it Betties?) evening, they gave us a tour of the Isle of Harris. For those of you who don’t know, Harris is the lower half of the largest island in the Outer Hebrides. The top half being Lewis. The Outer Hebrides sit off the West Coast of Scotland
If you look at a map you couldn’t wish for a more desolate neck of the woods.
I say woods, there isn’t any trees on Harris, it’s just rock, battered by the North Atlantic Ocean. Obviously a photographers paradise!
Did I mention no trees, well D&B visited just after the lockdown, so along with no trees, there were few cars and even fewer people.
But, oh … the light
So crisp you could cut yourself with it.
Makes you wonder seeing this, how much crap we are breathing in round these parts.
Now David has probably forgotten more about photography than I’ve ever learnt. He apologised at the start, telling us that his photography these days, was just a record shot of where he’d been. (Which is good news for the rest of the club, when it comes to the competitions) But class still comes through.
There’s the leading lines! There’s the rule of thirds! All done in camera, none of that darkroom shenanigans for David.
And multi layered, off into the distance shots where you feel you can reach out and touch each layer, that’s the crisp light, none of these diffused, blurry stuff you find round these parts.
Golden sunsets, empty beaches and of course, the gorgeous Betty, that rarest of creatures, an understanding photographer’s wife.
Isle of Harris? hmmm deffo one for the bucket list.
Nice one D&B and thank you for sharing.