Hey ya folks
Tonight it was our first print competition of the season.
Our adjudicator was an old friend to the club.
It was a welcome back to Dave Hall of Leigh-on-Sea Camera Club.
Now Dave is a no-nonsense northerner … calls a spade an effing spade.
He doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to our efforts to lull him into the idea that we actually know what we’re doing.
28 images to judge. I would say a nice easy evening for him but that’s far from the truth when you have to compare the millennium wheel with a pizza cutting wheel, or are the controls of a steam train comparable with an abandoned pushbike? This takes a special edge. Praising where he thought we deserved it, chiding us for our shortcomings. I don’t think anyone went away without some good to say about his style of judging.
As he says, when he started judging he was all … is it sharp? is it at the correct exposure? Is it well developed?
Now with of maturity, he asks, is the author telling me a story? is that story in keeping with the subject? So it’s not about his likes or dislikes. It’s about whether the photographer has moved him.
He also says he enjoys judging because it gives him ideas for his own photos.
I can deal with that.
So on with the show of our 28 images he held back nine.
Of those he handed out four 9½ highly recommended.
Then there’s the others
Chris‘s Reflection getting praise for his creative shot.
Dave’s Pizza Cutter Reflections … clever, a great advert photo
Kevin’s pair of shots from a second hand flea market … what a jumble with lots to see and some well picked out details on nice glossy paper
Finally there was José’s Wheeleee … very dramatic shot with interesting positioning of the main subject. All of these grabbing top marks with tens.
Josè’s effort, the picture he most liked for the evening, was the overall winner.
Kevin picking up second and third places.
So well done to you four, great job.
Right, going forward to the next round.
We have Kevin with a rather impressive 29½ points
Colin and Dave with 28 points and
Chris and Jose with 27½ points.
Well done guys.
And thanks again to Dave Hall a good evening.
Watch out for our new, super duper web site, coming very soon.
That’s it