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A Penny for your Thoughts


Well, last competition of the season, set for us by last years champ, Tony.

Through out the month of August, our target was to take six photos of six set subjects, and all this had to be within the confines of the CM8 Post Code area. For those of you in the know, don't read the next bit. For the rest of us it's Witham, Wickham Bishops, Silver End, White Notley & Rivenhall. Our subject matters were Industrial, Mono, Street, Nature, Heritage and for a tie break, should it be needed, Water.

I kept trying to drag t'missus out, she kept telling me its too cold or wet or sunny or (I don't think her heart was in it) Anyways, I digress. I managed to get four trips out, Wickham, Witham's industrial heartland, the abandoned trainline and the reclaimed industry area now a nice slice of nature known as the Whetmead Nature Reserve. A nice bonus for the last one was the plum trees, who's fruit boiled down nicely into four pots of plum jam.

Our Adjudicator for the evening was Penny. She has crossed our threshold a few times now, which is crazy because she has to drive forty odd miles to get to our house and then forty back when she's done. Which means when we're tucked up in bed with our Ovaltine, she's still dicing with the plebs on the Mighty Eleven, assuming the ministry hasn't closed it to survey the potholes!

Cheers Penny ... above and beyond don't cover it!

So, first up was Nature. Various takes from Elderberrys & teasles to a ducks a*se, sorry, a photo of a duck, bottom feeding with its tail up above the water.

Steve & Nick shared equal billings with nines.

Next up was Street. Again a good selection of subject matter. I went with street art from the old railway line. So many times I hear from judges 'make it your own ... it's just a record shot' but I can't help it, I love the artists work, the vibrancy of the colours & it'll probably be covered by another budding Picasso by tomorrow, so its a slice of history, not a bleeding record shot!

Ok, I've calmed down now ...

Top of the heap was Kevin with his street scene with a wonderful old Beetle bathed in the warm evening glow. Totally worth a ten.

And just before the break was Industrial. Not so much variation here with all but two choosing to shoot the Maltings. Still, t'was nice to see everyone else's take on the industrial heartland of downtown Witham (that's Wit Ham by the way for those of you not Essex born) Nick grabbed top slot with his Twin Towers getting a ten,

After the break it was on to Heritage. We were not so glowing in this department, all sevens and eights with the exception of Dave's novel camera angle for a church interior that scooped a nine.

Last of the main subjects was the Mono (with the emphasis on packing a punch.

Colin came on strong with a ten for his Tudor houses.

Dave followed with a nine for his haunting street scene.

Then Kev got his second ten of the evening with No Escape. very Lord of the Rings feel about this image

Nick's Dark Satanic Mills scraped another nine

Looks like our mono work finished the evening off well.

Penny then ran through the tie break subject and it was back down to earth for the club with just sevens and eights, lets hope they won't be needed!

Sadly I was having a mare with the program. as per normal, when it goes wrong you can't for the life of you see what the problem is. I know it's an ID ten T problem, you just don't have the luxury to run through it with the natives getting restless behind you ...

The Results

in equal forth was Kevin & Colin on 41 points

in equal second was Steve and Dave on 42 points

and top of the hill was Nick with 43 points

So the nines and tens in no particular order were

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