Well, how do we begin to describe the past eighteen months,
not being allowed out whilst the BBC are telling us that global warming is going to melt the surface of the earth, and then this year when the next ice age is starting up, they give us free rein. You couldn't make it up.
So the Parish council have told us that for the moment, we can resort to our usual shenanigan's so a couple of weeks back, we had a Quiz/Fish 'n' Chip night, 'twas good to see many old friends, and this week it was s'posed to be camera's and computers. whilst I may have answered a couple of queries, most of the evening was just catching up on old times.
Ok, this next week we have our AGM (it's in the rules of the club, so we have to have it)
It's where the various sword bearers of the club tell you what's been happening over the last year (!!!!!) and their hopes for the next year. We also have to stand for re-election, so if you are unhappy with my drivel, you have the chance to vote me out (bear in mind that there is not a whole bunch of members willing to stand up and take the reins for any of the roles!)
so come along, listen to what the various committees have to say, add your tuppence, and make the club somewhere you and other peeps want to come to. There is no door entry this week, though bring your own refreshments ( I don't think the cafe is open yet)
OK, That's it. See you wednesday, normal Bat time, normal Bat channel.