Evening Peeps, tonight we were entertained by our second PDI competition
Heybridge & Maldon.
We had Nick Bowman from Loughton to be the judge of us. A very interesting adjudicator who interspersed his critique with tales and stories of his photographic escapades. You feel like this guy has been there and got the Tee shirt!
He started off slow, only getting through twenty images by the time we stopped for tea. We entered the second phase of the evening and weirdly, although there didn't appear to be a change of pace, Nick managed to get through the other thirty shots and sort out the final standings, all before throwing out time.
He confessed that he had never been to either of our subject towns, Hopefully, we showed him enough to stir his interest and wander down that way.
There was lots of boats (as you'd expect) well over half the images were boat related, though not necessarily in shipshape & Bristol fashion. Lots of sun rises an sunsets, strangely enough, despite there being record amounts of rainfall this year, no rainy day images were to be found.
Anyways, Nick held back seven images.
Unusually for this club, we had seven different authors held back.
Colin, Steve, Dave W, Dave C, Val, Rob J and Richard.
Three highly commended 9½s later
Rob's 'Beeleigh Falls' photo, which Nick described a very creative image with lovely patterns and contrasts twixt water and trees.
Val's 'Seen Better Days' He liked the wider crop and the decay that had spread to the jetty the boat was moored to. The birds added a nice touch, giving it life.
Finally, Richard's 'Thistle Do' A lovely dramatic B&W image, that showed off the wonderful shapes, rather than the colours.
All the rest were graded as tens.
We pushed for bragging rights with a first, second and third, and he gave us ...
in fourth place, Dave C's 'Morning Ripples' Nick Liked this but thought the sky and horizon were superfluous
Next up, in third place was Steve's 'No So Old Rope' with it's lovely detail
Second was Colin's 'Done Sailing'. Again, Nick loved the decay & Colin's handling of the image, creating a cracking B&W image with great tones. Slightly disappointed with the steel frame behind the boat, perhaps clone it out.
Finally, in top slot was Dave W's 'Reflections' A fabulously simple image with strong reflections, subtle colourings and slightly off centre subjects.
I liked that one too.
So here they are, in no particular order
