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  • Onyx

Sam Tuck '24

We had our annual bash for the Sam Tuck Trophy tonight.

Sam was a stalwart member of this club, and we use his memory to encourage members to go out and shoot something a little different.

There is a small trophy for bragging rights and the chance of a chinwag with some of Sam's family, who still come along to share a few memories with us.

So this year we put together 60 photos for our judge for the evening, Penny Reeves to mull over.

Penny is down from Cambridge (is it down? ... maybe its up? ... who knows?) and this ain't her first rodeo with us. Hopefully we didn't scare her too much to stop her considering us in the future. It is quite a trek for her. I was chatting to her at half time about judging, and how it affects her participating at her own club. Her response was that the judging allows her to see many more photographic ideas, concepts, and constructions that she can shake a stick at, which hopefully will make her a better tog.

Fifteen of us put together a portfolio of four shots each, to test her patience giving her the unenviable position of picking a first, second and a third.

One second you are looking at a Barn owl, the next its a seascape, then a piece of brutalism has to be compared with a delicate fuchsia, all the time trying to find something nice to say because you still have to make it out of the room alive.

Penny did admirably well, handing out eight nines

Congrats to Maddy, Dave, Steve, Jose, Selva an Nick (x3)

holding back fourteen of our best, which she then whittled down to another two nines

Pat on the back for little Kev and Rob J

Seven rated at nine and a half

Big up for RJ, Rob Smith, Cheryl, big Kev, Chris and two for Dave

& a mere five tens.

So, congrats to Chris for his Albatross (Great Sky, Great selection of shutter speed for the propeller and great panning)

Jose for his abstract shot of the stairs at Somerset House (I have no idea what this is but the presentation is superb)

Nick picked up a third for his desolate shop (I was looking for people, but it is closed and bleak)

Rob got a second for his Hunstanton Stones (Great sunset/rise shot. just enough exposure to hold the sea and detail in the stones)

and Jose again with his feathers Hope & Peace (Delicate, soft but still holding great detail, maybe change the keyline colour?)

That's it. Here's the winners in no particular order

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